Two years ago I started this podcast. I learned so much on the way and I loved to put together this best of for you. In this epsiode:


  • You will hear the best insights and knowledge from my interview partners in two years.
  • What are they thinking about sustainability and what are their solutions?
  • You will feel the spirit of change!


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Best of Change & Perspective Podcast

Wisdoms, Positive Perspectives and a Sense of Changing the World. Two years ago, I started this Podcast. This episode is my gift to you. It contains the wisdoms of all my English-speaking interview guests. You will get an interesting perspective on the concept of sustainability and how different it is for many people.

They are sharing their tips and wisdoms on the meaning of life and how we can all follow and engage in the spirit of change. How can we stay motivated with current events and is it that we can change as one person? I had the opportunity to speak to inspiring people around the world. I can’t put into words how grateful I am and how much I learnt along the way and especially in these conversations.

Thank you for being a part of this journey and for changing your perspective – together with me.

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