A whole community that is based on permaculture, eco houses and the first garbage system – on Zanzibar? In this epsiode I talk to different people from Fumba town and ask them:
- How do you start such a big project and involve the local people as well?
- What does „Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share“, the motto of Fumba town mean?
- How we can empower people, share knowledge and learn from each other?
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Sustainable Zanzibar made possible
Building a sustainable town on Zanzibar is a big project. Especially when you want to make it 100% perfect. Looking back two years ago I have to admit that I’m not sure if it actually is socially and economically sustainable for the whole region. Nevertheless it was inspiring to talk to people with a vision. To see them thrive and to have the opportunity to learn from them.
I talked to Franko, Agness and John and got an idea, how we can create sustainable living conditions in the future. They have different roles in the whole Fumba concept but it comes together to this bigger vision. Join us for this special episode on sustainable Zanzibar.
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